The Blessings of the Cosmos

Over the past few days Her Holiness Sai Maa has been deep in meditation and energy work, and Sai Maa just created an audio transmission for you.

Maa is wishing to share this profound energy to serve and to support your awakening journey at this unique confluence of energies on planet earth.

We invite you to put aside all distractions and find a place where you can fully absorb the uplifting energy contained in this 29 minute transmission, to receive the blessings of the cosmos.


Throughout the audio transmission Sai Maa refers to a number of opportunities to go deeper into the work:

  • Learn more about Yagyas (Sacred Fire Ceremonies) here.

  • Learn more about and purchase the Sai Maa Brain Illumination Meditation here.

  • Grand Design Membership  – Maa refers to Maa’s core membership, the Grand Design Membership, which is an opportunity to be on the cutting edge of Maa’s work and be part of Maa’s team – learn more here.

  • New Mantra – In the transmission, Maa invites us to take on a new mantra “Today, I decide to change…” We are so supported in this mantra as we take on doing this essential work to align ourselves with the consciousness shift.