This year marks the midpoint in a highly transformative 7 year cycle. 2017, a year of transition from the first half to the latter half of the cycle where the old will be dissolved as the Earth moves into a new, different phase of transformation in the year 2020. Sai Maa says this is going to be the year in which the Divine Feminine will disseminate, bringing the balance with the Divine Masculine, as well as the energy of Compassion – Love with Understanding – will be expanded all over the world through the energy of the Kumbh Mela.
This year is going to be a diving board for the humanity to jump into a new, transformed stage of loving and caring. Various programs are being planned this year for us to receive all the blessings from Sai Maa and to re-member who we truly are.
On this website, we offer events and seminars offered in Japan by Sai Maa, and teachers appointed by Sai Maa. Offerings from around the world can be viewed on
Browse the currently available events and programs and register for an event by clicking on ‘Register’. You will be prompted to sign up for an account if you do not already have one. Payment for events is handled through the website via credit card (Stripe) or bank transfer. Certain programs are eligible for payment in installments (credit card only).
We invite you to join our programs to learn how to move into conscious awareness and towards a life filled with love and light.